Animal Art

Kitten on the Keys – Animal Art

Best Kitten Keys-Ed2

Domestic cats have been in my life for many years, but not at the present time. Following the departure of my last pet, Cassie, I have decided not to replace her with another pet.
For more about that story Read This.
Thinking back over the years, my cats all gave me some delightful moments, but there was always a downside. Nicky, my Devon Rex, without warning , liked to like to jump
up on my drawing board while I was painting. You can imagine what kind of reaction I had. Fortunately he rarely did much damage because watercolors dry quickly.

Living in the country at the time, we rarely had any mice when our cats were on duty.
We didn’t realize their importance until they had all passed away and the mice ran rampant. But keeping a litter box around does have its downside.

In the past I had painted one of my cats on the keys of our piano, and there was a very positive response to the painting. So when a neighbors cat visited us and plunked herself on our piano, I ran to grab my camera and took a few quick shots, which inspired this painting, which I have titled “Kitten on the Keys”
To see even more of my domestic cat paintings, Click Here.


The realistic wildlife fine art paintings and prints of Jacquie Vaux begin with a deep appreciation of wildlife and the environment. Jacquie Vaux grew up in the Pacific Northwest, soon developed an appreciation for nature by observing the native wildlife of the area. Encouraged by her grandmother, she began painting the creatures she loves and has continued for the past four decades. Now a resident of Ft. Collins, CO she is an avid hiker, but always carries her camera, and is ready to capture a nature or wildlife image, to use as a reference for her fine art paintings.

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