Animal Art

Racoons on my Deck – part 2

Big Mama Racoon
Big Mama Racoon

We enjoyed the nightly visits of the raccoons on our deck for most of the summer.  I put water out on the deck in the dish pan. We thought that feeding them would allow us to take some photos for a raccoon painting. Each evening, the raccoons would come up on the deck, splash around in the water and get wet.


One evening, we had the door open a little later than usual.  Our little dog, Cassie the Papillion was out on the deck enjoying the evening.  Suddenly, she started barking and then yelping.


I raced outside to the deck and saw a swarm of fur.  Cassie was mixed up in the middle of six baby raccoons, trying to escape back to the safety of the house.  The mother raccoon was a bit confused as to which one was the small dog and which were her babies.  That was lucky for Cassie, as she did not get injured; only scared.  And so ended Cassie’s brief experience as a baby raccoon.


The realistic wildlife fine art paintings and prints of Jacquie Vaux begin with a deep appreciation of wildlife and the environment. Jacquie Vaux grew up in the Pacific Northwest, soon developed an appreciation for nature by observing the native wildlife of the area. Encouraged by her grandmother, she began painting the creatures she loves and has continued for the past four decades. Now a resident of Ft. Collins, CO she is an avid hiker, but always carries her camera, and is ready to capture a nature or wildlife image, to use as a reference for her fine art paintings.

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