Wildlife Art

Call of Duty Warzone: DrDisrespect Unsure About SBMM – Reveals One Major Issue

Dr Disrespect has been on good terms with Call of Duty Warzone since it’s launch. He has been continuously streaming the game on his channel on Twitch since 10th March. Like, most of the Call of Duty fans he has been hooked and pumped up about the new ‘battle royale’. With so much playing experience under his belt, he certainly has some valid complaints/issues with the game.

In the recent stream when someone asked Doc about the chances of SBMM in the game. His response was rather unsure and admitted that “I don’t know” because of “what people can get away within the game.” He continued with examples like “The RPGs, the vehicle combat, the thermal scopes across the map, people being revived – that whole self-revival thing, that’s a whole other thing. I think self-revive is a big issue”. It screws up fights, man.”
After this, Two-Time continued with his rant on Self-reviving. He explained how he had to use another clip(read: Magzine) to kill the guy who is already down. He described how a guy who is down should take only one or two bullets to get killed, not a whole magazine.  Doc added that self-revive could be good if you down someone across the map but it does no favor during the close encounters.
“If you down someone real quick it should only take one or two bullets to put this guy out. Not a full clip. And then have his teammate come around the corner while you’re putting a full clip on the downed guy because you know he has self-revive and if you don’t do anything about it, he’s just going to get right back up.”
Got to say, Doc has got some pretty serious pointers to back his notion.
Call of Duty Warzone: Doc has a solution for ‘Self-revive’ problem
After all his theatrics, Doc gave some pretty solid tips for this problem. As we all know COD provides a sound after a person gets self-revived or by a teammate. But the doc recommended a ‘sound/audio’ during the whole self-revival process at least to the players near that down person.

This is the second time this week that Doc has faced some problems in Warzone. His first issue was related to the sound mechanics of the game. This issue with sound is also being faced by the many players in the game.
Definitely team at Infinity Ward will look at these issues and will try to solve them as soon as possible. Till then we all should just practice ‘self-isolation’ by playing awesome games. Be aware and safe gamers.

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The realistic wildlife fine art paintings and prints of Jacquie Vaux begin with a deep appreciation of wildlife and the environment. Jacquie Vaux grew up in the Pacific Northwest, soon developed an appreciation for nature by observing the native wildlife of the area. Encouraged by her grandmother, she began painting the creatures she loves and has continued for the past four decades. Now a resident of Ft. Collins, CO she is an avid hiker, but always carries her camera, and is ready to capture a nature or wildlife image, to use as a reference for her fine art paintings.

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